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Autumn Walk 2012 Beer, Devon, 4/10/2012 - 07/10/2012


Thursday 4th October 2012,

Paul and Ian left in the morning arriving at Beer around lunch time. They then walked as far as Branscombe along the South Downs Way. After some refreshments at the Sea Shanty Cafe (I think?) they returned to the Hostel along the coast path. Once back at the Hostel Paul went for a run whilst Ian sorted himself out.

Pete met them at the hostel where they all had a meal before going down the town to take in the local scene.

Dick and Richard drove down after work, arriving at the hostel just as the others were leaving to go into town. Once bags had been deposited, they left for town calling in at The Anchor and The Dolphin Hotel for light refreshment. It was too late for food but there was a fish and chip shop and an Indian so it was thought something could be got on the way back however we did not allow for small towns where everything shuts early, so no food. Never mind not long until breakfast.

Friday 5th October

The weather started fine and sunny but clouded over as the day went on, this turned into light rain by lunch, proceeding to get heavier and heavier through the rest of the day and well into the night.

Steve and Pat arrived in time for breakfast, Graham stopped on the way down for something so we could all leave for the days outing together with the exception of Pete who went to see his uncle.

Today’s walk was to take the bus!! to Sidmouth. This was better than going to Alton towers or on a roller coaster as the bus only just got through the lanes and only had one speed. We walked back to Beer, via the coast path. As with all coastal walking we started off with a steady climb out of Sidmouth, up Salcombe Hill Cliff, then proceeded walking up and down until we reached the Tumuli by Shag Rock where we turned inland towards Street to take lunch at The Fountain. The rain started as we left the coast path, only light at first just starting to get harder as we reached The Fountain.

At the Bus Stop in Beer

The Fountain had a great selection of ales and crab sandwiches to die for. After lunch we walked along the road into Branscombe to stop for an early tea break at The Mason Arms as it was raining hard and we hoped for it to blow over. There was a great fire in the Mason Arms which soon dried us off but the rain did not stop, so we had to steel ourselves, don the wet weather gear and continue our walk in the rain via the Lower Cliff Path to Beer, the place not more drink. The lower path proved to be a bit of a trudge in the rain as it was narrow, twisty, slippery requiring constant concentration but we all made it ok.

L-R at the Hostel, Roland, Andy, Paul, Graham, Pat, Pete, Dick & Richard

When we reached Branscombe Mouth we looked up to the top of the cliff where we saw Andy, who had come down during the day. We arranged to meet him where the two paths meet near Beer Head, then on to Beer on the coast path. Andy and a couple of others stopped at the Anchor for one, as he had missed out at lunch time and also giving time for the showers in the hostel to become free.

Lyme Regis

After we had washed and changed we went into town for dinner but there was no room in the inns for a large party so most had fish and chips as you could sit in and eat. The food was good and a very good portion, Roland however went for the large portion which had 2 pieces of fish, I don’t know how but he managed to plough his way through it.

Lyme Regis

Both pubs had music so we went to the furthest one from the hostel, the Anchor for a couple then called in at the Dolphin before returning to the Hostel in persistent rain.

Saturday 6th October.

Despite our fears from the rain when we retired we woke to a fine morning, which only got better and brighter throughout the day, though not underfoot.

All walked apart from Richard and Pete but they arranged to meet us at lunch time, just as well in the end.

Again our walk started with a bus ride to Lyme Regis. Here Andy showed us some of the sights in the old town and Harbour before setting off on the Wessex Way along the river Lim. As we passed a chippy Roland declined the chance of another large portion of fish and chips.

A much gentler start to the day through the old town and along the river, once we reached the open countryside we started to climb but not as steep as yesterday. We carried on along the Wessex Way until we joined the East Devon Way at Great Trill Plantation, Bulmoor. Here we lost a lot of height going down a muddy track to Higher Buckland Farm, where we started to go cross country and climb again, very muddy after the rain.

A Viaduct en route to Colyford

Blocked by river flooded near Colyton

As we walked along here there was some sort of a meet. They had run out of tea but did offer us a cake but declined as we thought it would not be long to lunch, little did we know. The only rain that was seen all day was when a squirrel ran through the branches and showered Dick with water. Then along to Musbury on the East Devon Way. As we came down into Musbury, Andy noted the Golden Hind which had a board out saying food until 13:45, all will become clear soon. After crossing the A358 we started to cross the fields towards Waterford lane and the river Axe. As we crossed the field it was becoming wetter underfoot but crossable, there were some cows in this field which took a shining to Roland, the feeling was not mutual however. Upon reaching the Lane we saw how it got its name Waterford as it was flooded in several places, we managed to get through to the field to cross the River Axe without getting wet feet, so good so far. This is where our next problem came into being. A survey from the gate showed a flooded field and the bridge over the Axe surrounded by water which looked quite deep. Several problems arose at this point the lunch time stop at Cloyton was just across the bridge, there was not enough time to get back to the Golden Hind before food was over for lunch time and our path was blocked. After consulting the map it was decided to take the road route, a detour of around 4 miles. This meant going back up Waterford Lane through the floods to take the road to Whitford then to Cloyton via Mountfield Cross. As we crossed the River Axe on the road bridge we could see it was in spate, understanding why everywhere was flooded. Whilst on the Bridge we managed to contact Pete and Richard to organise some baguettes for lunch once we arrived at the Kingfisher at Cloyton after normal food time.

All aboard the Skylark

Roland by a Tram at Seaton

The road journey was uneventful just a slog to get our refreshments. We arrived ok and sat in the garden enjoying our lunch sitting in the sun. After lunch we walked to Kingsdon to get the tram back to Seaton. We managed to get a discounted group ticket and sat on top of the Tram to enjoy the views and wildlife as we went down to Seaton along the Axe although it had started to cool down when getting late in the day. Roland and Dick joined Pete and Richard in their car to get back to the hostel. Ian walked along the road the others took the cliff path and had to do some scrambling where there had been a landslide.

After a shower it was down to the Anchor to watch football, west Ham v Arsenal then on to the Dolphin for food.

Sunday 7th October

Travel home day, it was planned to take in a walk up Golden Cap from Charmouth by some before going home. Pete went straight home after breakfast, Dick and Richard went for a walk round the Seaton Marshes and the rest drove to Charmouth to park by the sea and walk along the coast path up to Golden Cap, more than some had envisaged. We then met at the Royal Oak for a final meeting before heading home.

View of Road collapsed just outside Seaton en route to Beer

Capp & co on top of Golden Cap

Another good walk with plenty of memories.